Bees in May

I watch a drowsy bee chew

Through its winter cocoon

And emerge on the edge

Of a sunny window ledge.

After a sullen start to spring,

Dandelions smile in dewy grass.

The first dragonfly helicopters past

The cherry tree and honeysuckle bowers,

Where flirty buds are bursting

To unfold a pink flurry of flowers

To bees, thirsty for their first heady sips

Of pollen from dew-drenched petal cups.


© Kim M. Russell, 2016

Bees in May

Earlier this morning, when I saw a drowsy  bee on the windowsill and then a dragonfly passed by, I wasn’t quick enough with my camera, so I’ve used this image found on 

The title is from the old English saying: ‘a swarm of bees in May is worth a load of hay; a swarm of bees in June is worth a silver spoon; a swarm of bees in July isn’t worth a fly.’

13 thoughts on “Bees in May

    1. Thank you, Carol. It’s an 18th century beekeepers’ saying I learned at junior school. We were given elocution lessons to rid us of our Cockney accents and had to recite various sayings, rhymes and poems. It must be where my love of all things poetic was engendered 😊


  1. This photo is wonderful. We keep bees so we’re waiting for a swarm in May. Very sadly we recently lost three of our six hives. One day they were perfectly healthy, a few days later all dead. It’s always difficult to understand the reasons and there are various. My guess this time is pesticides on young wheat fields nearby.

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