Echoes of an Autumn Walk

My response to Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Photo Challenge #112 and dVerse Poets Pub Haibun Monday

Raindrops from a recent shower release a pungent whiff of mulch from the litter of autumn in various states of decay. In dry patches, below a dense lattice of branches, rusty skeletons crunch underfoot and beetles scuttle, while my boots slip on fresher, leathery, rain-soaked leaves.

Above, naked branches scrape the sky, sharp in the mellow sunlight, drawing attention to the changing season. There’s a rattle and rush of wings, and then a crack as a loose branch ricochets to the ground. A woodpecker drums a hollow proclamation, accompanied by the reedy squawks of rooks hunching nearby. Autumn echoes in the woods.

Walking in the woods,

nature always finds a way:

echoes of autumn.

© Kim M. Russell, 2016

Echoes of an Autumn Walk

Image: – Oleg Oprisco

24 thoughts on “Echoes of an Autumn Walk

  1. I so enjoyed this walk with you…..especially this line “beetles scuttle, while my boots slip on fresher, leathery, rain-soaked leaves.”
    Beautiful writing — wonderful haibun,

    Liked by 1 person

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