
secrets of the soul
imagery in the water
a fluid language

Kim M. Russell, 2017

Image result for ripples in water drawing

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My response to Carpe Diem #1130 Intuition

In The Pilgrimage, Paulo learns ‘the water exercise’.  Before that, Petrus, Paulo’s guide, says:

[…] “Call up your intuition again, your secret side. Don’t be concerned about logic, because water is a fluid element, and it does not allow itself to be controlled easily. But water, little by little and in a nonviolent way, is going to build a new relationship between you and the universe.” […] 

Then he teaches Paulo the Arousal of Intuition (The Water Exercise):

[…] I emptied the remaining water onto the cement and a small puddle formed. I did not have any image or shape in mind, and I wasn’t seeking one. I swirled my fingers through the cold water, and I experienced the same kind of hypnosis that one feels when staring into the flames of a fire. I thought about nothing; I was just playing – playing with a puddle of water. I made some streaks at the edge of the puddle, and it seemed to become a wet sun; but the streaks quickly rejoined the puddle and disappeared. With the palm of my hand, I batted at the center of the puddle; the water splashed away, covering the cement with droplets, black stars on a gray background. I was completely lost in that absurd exercise, an exercise that had not the slightest purpose but was delightful to do. I felt that my mind had stopped working almost completely, a feeling I had previously achieved only after long periods of meditation and relaxation. At the same time, something told me that down deep, in places that my mind could not reach, a force was being born and becoming ready to manifest itself. That puddle of water established a contact – however fragile – with the Milky Way above me. It reflected the stars, created designs I could not understand, and gave me the feeling not that I was wasting time but that I was creating a new code for communicating with the world. It was the soul’s secret code – the language that we know but so seldom hear. […] (Source: The Pilgrimage by Paulo Coelho)

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