Words in my Mouth

I explore them with my tongue,
easing them between my teeth
and into the roof of my mouth,
each one different. Some
are like honeycomb,
their crumbs coating enamel,
teasing fillings with a crunch.
Others, smooth as chocolate,
melt dark and warm
on taste buds. One surprises me
with acid lemon, bursting
zest and sunshine.
A poetic banquet, the words in my mouth
taste different every time.

Kim M. Russell, 2017


Image ashellessmind 361 346 Synesthesia II found on DeviantArt

Rommy asks if we can taste a three and what color is bird song? She says that, if we had ready answers for that, we may have synesthesia, a quirk in human neurology where a link occurs between the senses. When people with synesthesia experience something with one of their senses, they also have an additional sensory response, either in the same sense or a different one. Someone with synesthesia might see the number 7 as orange or experience the taste of lemons when they hear a musical note.

Rommy has asked us to compose a new poem based around our personal perceptions of joined sensory experiences. What does a sunrise taste like? Does the sound of crickets have a tactile feel? The choice of what senses and stimuli to link is entirely up to us.

23 thoughts on “Words in my Mouth

  1. This is such a deliciously worded poem, Kim!❤️ Sigh especially the images here; “Some are like honeycomb, their crumbs coating enamel, teasing fillings with a crunch. Others, smooth as chocolate, melt dark and warm on taste buds” are to absolutely die for! Beautifully penned!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Gillena! I’ve been out a lot today and haven’t had a chance to read much, so I’ll be back to the Toads in the morning to catch up.


  2. I’m in complete love with your last 5 lines. They describe words and how they can make us feel so well–sharp and acidic, but delicious under the right circumstances.

    And the image you paired with you poem, wow!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, Magaly, thank you so much. Your comments mean a lot to me. I was out a lot yesterday so I didn’t get around to reading. I’m not long up and looking forward to reading yours.

      Liked by 1 person

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