Siberian Ginseng

shy woodland briar
with a warrior’s vigour
ancient remedy

Kim M. Russell, 2017

Siberian Ginseng

Image found on Pinterest

My response to Carpe Diem #1198 (theme week 4) Acanthopanax (Ukogi) or Eleutherococcus Sieboldianus or Siberian Ginseng

In the final episode of this month’s theme-week we have another classical spring kigo: Acanthopanax (Ukogi). This plant, also known as Siberian Ginseng, was discovered by a German botanist Phillip Franz Von Siebold, who created the Hortus Botanicus in Leiden in The Netherlands.

Chèvrefeuille tells us that Eleutherococcus is native to eastern Asia, from southeast Siberia and Japan to the Philippines and Vietnam. Siberian ginseng is used as herbal medicine and, in traditional Chinese medicine, this is administered to increase energy. Several species are also grown as ornamental garden shrubs. In Japan, they have been planted as hedges.

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