Desk Lamp Blues

Due to the way you bend my neck,
leave me craning,
I can only catch a glimpse
of you swimming
in the early morning shadow
that surrounds my white halo.
Your fingers tap and eyes stare
as you lean back in the creaky chair
between sips of sweetly pungent raspberry tea,
completely disregarding me
when it steams up my eye.
For a moment,
I am a blinded Cyclops.
If you could please move the cup
just a couple of inches,
I would appreciate it.

Kim M. Russell, 2017

Desk Lamp Blues

I tried to take a photograph in the dark with the light switched on but it’s a halogen-type bulb and the image didn’t come out so well. So here’s the lamp in daylight!

My response to Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Tale Weaver #129: Around The House

Lorraine reminds us that in Disney films, or nightmares, or psychedelic ramblings, inanimate objects take on lives of their own, for example: talking teapots, rampaging brooms, breathing walls or philosophizing couches. She wants us to think what life would be like as our alarm clocks or kitchen chairs; how the train feels about the commuting passengers, the elevator about its riders, or the computer its user.

Our challenge is to weave a tale from the perspective of an object, say something around the house, or within the broader world or a dialogue between a real (or fictional character) person and that object.

14 thoughts on “Desk Lamp Blues

  1. I really liked, was impressed by this–and the photo is great too, made me long for a new computer set up 🙂 My laptop was a good buy at the time, but I’m having neck/head/eye issues…so I may have to re-think my writer’s nook 🙂 Enjoyed my visit!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jael! I’m delighted that you enjoyed the poem and photo. Will you be joining us at dVerse later today – Frank’s hosting and it’s an interesting prompt.


  2. Wonderful, Kim. We do “neglect” to think of those seemly inanimate objects which “people” our everyday lives, such as lamps. I enjoyed it’s description of the writer at work, and it’s ending request. Love the tea cup, by the way. Now, if it would talk . . .
    Thanks for playing along. And thanks to the lamp for joining in!

    Liked by 1 person

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