
First flush of morning percolates
through crepuscular dreams,
lays first thoughts behind
sleep-encrusted lids. Words
hatch and squirm, caterpillars
to feed the hungry birds
of creativity. No point
in wrestling with the behe-
moths that eat holes
in the rags of night,
let in first light.
It’s time to write.

Kim M. Russell, 2017

Dance of the Moth Paul Klee

‘Dance of the Moth’ by Paul Klee found on Pinterest

My response to Imaginary Garden with Real Toads Scribble It – First Time

Today is Paul’s ‘maiden voyage’ with the Toads and he has been pondering about our experiences of ‘First Times’: first steps, first teeth, first words, first flight, first kiss, first fall, first love, first… He’d like a poem that speaks in some way of a ‘First Time,’ one already met or perhaps to come.

34 thoughts on “Wakeful

    1. At the time of writing I was drinking a mug of London Tea Company Raspberry Inferno, my favourite fruity tea – it has a kick to it. Coffee doesn’t like me, although I can just about stomach decaff mocha.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Toni! I think that because early morning is a special time for me, a time of silence, stillness and creativity, and I wrote the poem at that time, I became immersed and let the ideas and words wash over me. Sometimes they stick and I use them, other times an idea of a word slips into my head and I have to help it on with a thesaurus. This time I had a couple of adjectives that I was playing with and ‘crepuscular’ just reached out and grabbed me! Please excuse the Steve Miller reference! I woke up singing Abracadabra! Let’s hope today is going to be a magical day. 🙂


    1. Good morning, Sarah! You’re also up early in front of your computer! Isn’t it fun and exciting to think that there are so many poets all around the world doing similar things, albeit at different times. But we’re in the same time zone – spooky!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. But I know what you mean 😌. And sometimes I read a poem from the other side of the world that resonates so perfectly with what I’m doing or thinking, or seeing, right here, it makes me gasp.


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