Raindrops and Rainbows

Squared Tan Renga #1

three raindrops
a greeting card from heaven…
midsummer heat                                       (Issa)

three slowly trickling teardrops
wishing you were here with me

wishes and feathers
falling from the clearest sky
colour of your eyes

blurring with raindrops and tears
start of a summer rainstorm

Squared Tan Renga #2

flying away
following the rainbow
into heaven                                                (Chèvrefeuille)

a cote of doves free to fly
in flurries of white feathers

flying away
a monochrome explosion
of feathers and souls

soaking colour from the sky
following the rainbow

Kim M. Russell, 2017

Image result for raindrops rainbows and doves
Image found on Pinterest

My response to Carpe Diem’s Tan Renga Challenge weekend-meditation #1 raindrops

In September’s weekend meditations, we are starting with Tan Renga: a short renga created by two poets. The first stanza consists of three lines (hokku) and the second stanza of two lines (ageku), which is inspired by images in the first stanza.

To make this first weekend-meditation a real challenge, Chèvrefeuille asks us to create Tan Renga from two classical haiku he has provided and, to make it even more of a challenge, he would like us to create a so called ‘squared’ Tan Renga: a short renga of four stanzas (or two Tan Renga).

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