Morning Murmur

Streams trickle
and ditches chuckle
with last night’s rain;
it giggles in puddles
in the muddy lane
and glistens
on the window pane.

In the gloom
of my morning room,
where merging
shadows whisper,
I just murmur,
pull up the duvet
and turn over.

Kim M. Russell, 2018

Image result for paintings and illustrations rainy morning duvet
Image found on  Pinterest

My response to dVerse Poets Pub Quadrille: Murmur

De is hosting this Mionday’s Quadrille and she’s asking us to murmur.

58 thoughts on “Morning Murmur

  1. Morning murmur indeed 🙂 Yes….it could be the murmuring sounds the rain makes…but also the murmuring sound one makes when glancing out from the pillow, we see and hear the scene you’ve so wonderfully described, and we murmur, eyes have closed, and pull those covers up to cocoon a bit at home 🙂

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