Not Dead Yet

You see pale reefs of coral
off an unforgiving coast,

sea witches on a jumble
of inky rocks.

But we have the muscle
to battle waves of political

garbage: anarchistic ghosts
of satire, riding upstream

currents of hogwash,
wielding tongues and pens.

Kim M. Russell, 2018

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My response to Imaginary Garden with Real Toads Hasta La Vista, Wormtail: Satiric Verses

This weekend’s challenge is hosted by Brendan, who has inspired us with a history of poets in ancient Ireland and the black, despicable art of satire, with its different categories, levels of severity and curses. Brendan gives us permission to unsheathe the sharpest tongues in our mouths and let fly our arrows and sputum with epigrams and follies, limericks and rhymes bawdy!

18 thoughts on “Not Dead Yet

  1. Thanks Kim — You make me wonder if satire, like guns and bullion, have become something odious, tedious and malodorous when augmented by our present technology. The screaming doesn’t blister, it creates a thermonuclear impossibility. Well done. I’m for the sea-witches and their occult, outre whispers.

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