
A splash of bluebells floods
the shadow tumbled woods,
newly soaked with morning scented rain
glittering in the early sunshine.
Gun-metal sky and silver-
bellied clouds have sunk in the bluebell river,
granting a watery wish
for crisp chromatic colours, fresh
and spring clean.

Kim M. Russell, 21st May 2018

Image result for bluebell woods in the rain
Image found on Pinterest

My poem for dVerse Poets Pub Quadrille #57 – rain

I’m hosting over at dVerse Poets Pub today, the second Monday of the month when we take any meaning of one word and transform it into 44 poetic words.  I chose the word ‘rain’. Come and join us in writing rain-drenched poems!

71 thoughts on “Rain-soaked

  1. Such wonderful, vivid and vibrant imagery in this, Kim!💜 Love the “Gun-metal sky and silver-bellied clouds.” Beautifully executed.💜

    Liked by 1 person

  2. kaykuala

    bellied clouds have sunk in the bluebell river,
    granting a watery wish

    The blessings of a benevolent river in a clean-up endevour!


    Liked by 1 person

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