
above the saltmarsh
skylark wavers on the breeze
a duet with reeds

Kim M. Russell, 16th April 2019

Image result for skylark over a Norfolk saltmarsh
Skylark on the Blakeney salt marshes in Norfolk – image found on Pinterest

My response to Carpe Diem #1648 skylark (hibari)

Throughout April we are exploring classical and non-classical kigo for spring and today we have another classical kigo taken from the Shiki saijiki: hibari (skylark).

14 thoughts on “Hibari

    1. Thank you so much, Cheryl-Lynn. I haven’t seen much of you on-line recently. Mind you, I had a week off to visit my daughter and grandson. I hope you’re keeping well.


      1. I have not been around of late…time, mind space and life gets in the way. Hope you had a lovely visit…can’t wait for Easter to see my kids and their kids 🙂 Happy Easter if I don’t get a chance to chat again.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Happy Easter and enjoy your time with your family. 🙂 I won’t see mine again for a while as they are trying to move and need all the money they can get. Once they’ve found somewhere they can afford, I hope to start looking myself – I’d really love to be closer to them.


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