Spring Sorrow

ragged rooks follow
the path of a plough
black wings
reflect the sorrow
lonely tomorrow
tear springs
walking in yarrow
sad chiaroscuro
death stings

Kim M. Russell. 25th April 2019

Image result for rooks following a plough
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My response to dVerse Poets Pub Poetry Form: the Lai

Grace is our host with a new poetry form: the lai. It reminds me a little of haiku, tanka and shadorma.

This is my first attempt and I found it tricky; I fear it could easily become stilted and forced, so I imagine I will have to write quite a few before I get the hang of it.

27 thoughts on “Spring Sorrow

  1. Love the melancholia of spring, specially death stings. Also like: chiaroscuro, end-rhyming with follow/sorrow.

    I must try my hand in single Lai. I feel the same way with this form too Kim. I need more practice, smiles.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Grace. I found the lai quite tricky and thought a single one would be good to begin with. I’m not sure how much practice I’ll be able to get now that exam season has come around. I’ll be in Cardiff for a conference on Monday/Tuesday and as soon as I get back I have to get started, on top of the other things I do during the week. But I will still need my poetry fix 😉


  2. Such a strong and sad Lai; it worked well for me. I loved the first tercet–/ragged rooks follow/the path of a plough/black wings/. Clever slant rhyme and vivid imagery. You certainly could have continued with more stanzas; looking forward to your next one

    Liked by 1 person

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