Children at a Refugee Camp

Wide eyes and swollen bellies, bruises on the soul:
honeyed drips of birdsong.

Kim M. Russell, 27th April 2019

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My response to Imaginary Garden with Real Toads Poems in April Day 27: In a Station of the Metro

Today Toni is hosting and she reminds us that there are only three more days to go until the end of this year’s NaPoWriMo.

Our prompt is a poem by Ezra Pound:

In a Station of the Metro

The apparition of these faces in the crowd:
Petals on a wet, black bough.

Toni says this poem is not only brief, it is breathtaking, and thought provoking. She goes into some depth about how this poem works.

Our challenge is to write a two-line poem in which we convey some startling image, and image that juxtaposes two images – and Toni encourages us to make our poems stark, beautiful, breathtaking or full of humour.

27 thoughts on “Children at a Refugee Camp

  1. The stark clarity of the first line goes straight for the heart. And the ending line… well, that one takes the now exposed heart and coats it with all the hurt the suffering of children should evoke out of people with souls. You’ve written the story of a whole group, in just two line.

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  2. Poor kids. Moms and Dads too. We have that in the southern border states. Coming in through Mexico from the Central American countries. Trickle down economics is no help for these, neither is the war waged by the “wanna-be” groups and gangs.

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