Eco-logical Lai

fruits of muddy shores
crested waves before
wanting to know more
tempted to explore
by this sky of ours
millions of stars

buried in Earth’s store
extinct dinosaurs
ancient bones galore
crashed like meteors
how can we ignore
life in ocean’s store?

Kim M. Russell, 9th May 2019

Image result for stars in the ocean and the universe
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My response to dVerse Poets Pub Meeting the Bar: More Lai and Lai Nouveau

Frank is our host this Thursday a nd he reminds us that this month we are featuring the poetic forms of lai and lai nouveau.

The challenge today is to write a new lai or lai nouveau or revise a former entry. I’ve stripped down the poem I wrote for this week’s poetics, ‘Theoretically’, and re-written it as a lai.

29 thoughts on “Eco-logical Lai

  1. I read both this poem and the original it’s based on (“theoretically”) and I have to admit, I think this one is the better version. The sparseness of the Lai, I think, give the words and the message more “punch”. The two syllable lines made me pause so those words really gave impact to the other lines. Well done on both poems but this one is my favorite!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Kim – Not familiar with the form and it was a bit startling a read — big cognitive leaps from phase to phrase. Boiling down the universe to this very fine residue. But the lilt and sway of rhyme was easy making the assay a pleasure. -Brendan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Brendan. I’m always keen to try new forms, although this was not one of my favourites and I’m not sure if I’ll try it again. I hope to get some interesting lines, stanzas and poems from this evening’s workshop.


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