Memory of Scent

It comes to me
through autumn smoke,
the burning of damp leaves,
that pricks the eyes
and chokes the breath,
the funeral pall of summer’s death:
a hint of you drifts through the trees,
teasing on the goose-bump breeze,
the scent of Coty powder on your face,
always just a trace
of you in me.

Kim M. Russell, 18th July 2019

Me with Mum037

My response to Poets United Midweek Motif: Perfume

This midweek, Sanaa, the newest staff member of Poets United, is guest host with an aromatic motif. She brings us quotations from Marian Bendeth and Jean Claude Ellena, as well as delicately beautiful  poems by Charmaine Chircop and Andrea Dietrich, as inspiration to write new poems about perfume.

Sanaa says the mere word brings to mind a thousand different things, as it’s steeped in romance, culture and history worldwide: perfume is thousands of years old, with evidence of the first perfumes dating back to Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Cyprus. The English word “perfume” comes from the Latin per fume, meaning ‘through smoke’.

Some scents remind me of my mother, whose birthday it would have been on 5th Jul,y and who loved autumn as much as I do.

32 thoughts on “Memory of Scent

  1. This is such a sweet poem. I like the images you paint. When you recall the scent of Coty powder, I immediately has a sweet memory of my grandmother who raised me. Enjoyed this so much.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. The same thing has happened with some of my comments, Sherry, although I seem to get plenty of spam that I really don’t want.


      1. After writing that, my curiosity go the better of me. I googled Coty face powder and discovered that Coty Airspun is being sold on Amazon! I’ve no idea if it smells the same as my mother’s though.


  2. kaykuala

    always just a trace
    of you in me.

    It is such a great feeling when memories of Mom is brought back through whiffs of Coty. Lovely take Kim!


    Liked by 1 person

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