At the crossroads of summer and autumn

between passing moons
even the fish are waiting
in cricket silence

between passing moons
constellations are clearer
cosmic dot-to-dots

even the fish are waiting
beneath frosted leaves
the pond hesitates

in cricket silence
autumn performs her striptease
distant thunderclap

Kim M. Russell, 9th November 2019

Image result for dot to dot constellations pisces
Image found on Pinterest

My response to Carpe Diem #1777 Classical and non-classical in symbiosis, also shared at Poets United Poetry Pantry

In today’s episode we have a ‘Crossroads Task’, in which we create a new haiku from two given haiku, a ‘fusion-ku’, with which to further create a troiku:

cricket silence
between scraping sounds
autumn begins

Jane Reichhold 

it touches the line
of my fishing pole –
this summer moon


49 thoughts on “At the crossroads of summer and autumn

  1. I love the whole poem, but… OMG! the closing stanza is such a delight. So vivid and real. I enjoy imagery that brews wonder in my head. And that’s exactly what the stanza does. I love seeing the literal meaning dancing with the metaphor, and doing it so clearly.

    I suspect that every thunderclap, I hear this winter, will make me look for bare branches and think of your poem.

    Liked by 1 person

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