
The sea awakens
as a kraken
from steady
in-and-out of sleep,
rises from the deep,
a staccato stutter
of briny breath
(with undertones of birth and death).
Its growl grows, rocks and rolls
waves into oceanic roar,
a seismic tempest never heard before.

Kim M. Russell, 13th January 2020

Image result for famous paintngs and artwork kraken in stormy sea"
Image found on Pinterest

My response to dVerse Poets Pub Quadrille: Roaring in the New

De is our host this Monday, and she wants to get us roaring with the first quadrille of 2020.

48 thoughts on “Tempest

  1. The sea off the coast of Oregon showed its Kraken-like nature this past week. We’re experiencing a king tide and 30 foot waves. A family was swept out to sea because they stood too close to watch the storm. The sea is not to be trifled with.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “from steady
    in-and-out of sleep,
    rises from the deep,
    a staccato stutter
    of briny breath”
    The tempest sea….I can feel its rhythm here….feel its rocks and roars and growls. There’s a rolling rhythm here….the tempest sea. A roiling. I enjoyed this one very much, Kim.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Lill. I’m huddled up in the warmth of our living room at the moment, typing this on my Kindle because my study is freezing, and listening to the storm outside. I hope I didn’t talk it up in my poem!


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