What happened to the snow?

What happened to winter snow,
hoary patterns on windows,
frozen ponds to skate on,
icicles hanging from the gutter?

Sun worshippers may think it doesn’t matter
and wonder why we mutter
at unseasonal weather,
unconcerned that snowdrops
and daffodils bloom early,
blackthorn roots are purply
and willow tops froth with yellowy green.

Is it the residue of fumy factories and mines,
dirty words scribbled on a crystal sky,
thawing the season before it’s even begun?

Is it the greed and waste of millions
that has confused and angered Mother Earth,
the one who nurtured us from birth?

I think it is.

Kim M. Russell, 18th March 2020

Image result for angry mother earth
 ‘Nutrix ejus terra est’ by Michael Maier, Atalanta Fugiens, 1617/1618 – found on Wikimedia

My response to Poets and Storytellers United Weekly Scribblings #11: Hypophora and all that

This week Sanaa has brought us a challenging prompt of questions and answers in an exploration of hypophora, a figure of speech similar to a rhetorical question, in which a writer raises a question and then immediately provides an answer to it, with the main purpose of rousing the reader’s curiosity. She says that a well-timed pause in hypophora creates a heightened effect as well as interest.

Sanaa explains that the question or questions in a hypophora are often used to set up a long answer, which is basically a point that the speaker wishes to make. She has given us examples, one by Truman Capote entitled ‘A Christmas Memory’, and an excerpt from Pablo Neruda’s Book of Questions.

Our challenge today is to write poetry or prose using hypophora.

19 thoughts on “What happened to the snow?

  1. This is incredibly evocative, Kim! 💝 You raise a significant amount of awareness with questions like; “Is it the residue of fumy factories and mines, dirty words scribbled on a crystal sky, thawing the season before it’s even begun?” I love the solemn confirmation at the end. Thank you so much for writing to the prompt! 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Those greedy are lamenting now. Tax cuts for the rich, lower budgets for civilization’s needs. Several of our Congress’men’ and Senators sold high just before the market tanked, big investments. Ford Motors here has shut down but has switched to making ventilators for the COVID 19 victims. They didn’t take bailout money before either. I used to work for them.
    Thse are questions that deserve answers.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I should share your poem with a friend of mine in Pennsylvania. When we talked the other day, she told me that her area of the state received exactly one inch of snow all winter. What happened to the snow, indeed?

    Liked by 1 person

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