Rediscovering the Night

Lying smug and snug in the arms
of the countryside,
I can’t recall the sound of the city’s
background song,
but hope, in this shutdown pandemic,
that worldwide
respect spreads like galaxies
of stars for the long-
forgotten night noises:
the whirring wings of geese
returning and the owls’
reviewing the day in the trees.

Kim M. Russell, 22nd April 2020

59 Best The Wild Geese images | The wild geese, History, War
Image found on Pinterest

My response to Poets and Storytellers United Weekly Scribblings #16: Re-Verse, also linked to earthweal Weekly Challenge: The Crossroad

Rommy says she’s keeping things pretty simple, because she’s been very grateful for simplicity since the pandemic started. She asks us to choose from at least one of the following ‘re-‘ words and incorporate them into our work: rediscover, review, reveal,  respect and renounce.

26 thoughts on “Rediscovering the Night

  1. I love the idea of “worldwide respect spreads like galaxies of stars for the long,” may we join our hands together and strive keeping in mind the bigger picture. 🌳💝

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “worldwide
    respect spreads like galaxies
    of stars . . . .” so we can all be snug in the open night sky of country. Very fine to show the crossroads in terms of which sounds dominate.

    Liked by 1 person

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