Whispering Branches

Through the window I can see
and hear
my corkscrew willow tree;
it whispers
ancient stories
on a blossom-scented breeze,
but secrets
gathered in its roots
are only ever shared
between the writer and her muse.

Kim M. Russell, 7th April 2021


My response to Poets and Storytellers United Weekly Scribblings #64: Beloved Companions

Rosemary is hosting today and sharing a photograph of her new cat, Poppi, with whom she is delighted, and I’m sure the feeling is mutual. As a fellow cat lover, I’m delighted for both of them. Pets and plants are often our lifelong friends, as are books and other belongings, which Rosemary would like us to write about today – non-human companions.

19 thoughts on “Whispering Branches

  1. There are trees I like visiting on my walks around the neighborhood with Kit. They are as much my neighbors as the human folk are.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a unique tree. I don’t recall seeing one in person. I do love weeping willows though. Besides the few ill fruit trees I planted, I only have cedar trees in my yard. Lots of plants, but not trees.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Trees, especially ones we’ve grown up with or lived with for a long while become almost a part of the family. Our semi-nomadic world and inner city dwellers are missing that experience. Off hand I have three vivid such tales I might have told, two involving their being cut down. My mother cried after one such confrontation.
    I am glad yours bring pleasant memories. And your root picture find is uniquely fitting to your revealing situation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The photo is of my corkscrew willow’s branches covered with spring buds, Jim. 😊 It has to be looked quite regularly as power lines run above it, otherwise they run through it!


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