Ghost Nets

I read recently about an exhibition that took place in the summer at the Asian Civilisations Museum in Singapore, called ‘Ghost Nets of the Ocean’.  It was created by artists from Darnley Island in Australia, and consisted of suspended brightly-coloured sculptures of fish, turtles, squid and jellyfish, all made from ocean debris, including abandoned fishing nets, known as ghost nets.

I got thinking about ghost nets drifting onto rocky reefs and in the open sea. I imagined ghostly fingers squeezing the life out of sea creatures or dragging unsuspecting divers to their deaths.

trees drip burnished leaves
tangled in watery mists
ghost nets of autumn

Kim M. Russell, 2017

Ghost Nets of the Ocean
Image found on the Asian Civilisations Museum website

My response to dVerse Poets Pub Haibun: Water

Bjorn is our host this Monday and we are writing about water.

35 thoughts on “Ghost Nets

  1. We are killing the oceans.
    There are vast reaches of deoxygenated water that will not support life.
    Fukushima contamination has reached the U.S. coast.
    Reefs are dissolving in the acidic water.

    Mankind is the great destroyer.


    Liked by 1 person

      1. Mainly you just hunker down and hang on. Stock up on bottled water, betteries, and candles. I’ve slept through many a one and awakened the next day to a world of strewn branches and leaves.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. The last bit of your prose does such a great job at illustrating the horrors that can be spawned by the waste we throw into the ocean. I really like how you start by just telling us about what you see, but leave us with the suffocating knowledge…

    …and I specially love the haiku. Nature is so good at reusing waste prettily. If we could only learn.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I imagine that the old nets of plant material such as grass and hemp would have rotted safely but the nets used by fishermen now are made of polyamides – so-called progress.


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