Childhood in Monochrome

Loving grandparents were always there to house me, feed me, teach me, grandmother in charge of my care while my parents struggled daily. Now only a handful of monochrome photographs remain as tattered ghosts of the past, but my love of home, stories, poems and music still cast their light on the present. They are […]

Between the Shelves

She wrote him a ballad between the Classics and the Poetry shelves in the public library, inhaling papery pheromones. She spotted his shadowy figure between periodicals and autobiography, held her breath to stop the erratic timpani of her heart and the blood-red symphony surging in her ears. The poem slipped from her sweaty fingers, drifted […]

Al Fresco

Laughter and tears together Overhead the stars collide Vernal moon waxes silver Earthy marriage bed Kim M. Russell, 10th February 2020 My response to Carpe Diem #1808 LOVE acrostic challenge The theme this month ‘love’ and today the challenge is to create an acrostic dodoitsu, a four-line Japanese poetry form in which the first letter […]


more than a feeling small seed growing in the soul a flowering heart Kim M. Russell, 2017 My response to Carpe Diem #1286 Love In a new episode of CDHK, today we have an ‘old’ prompt from February 2016, the month in which all prompts were set by our pirate Hamish Managua Gunn and had […]