Walking with Jasper

I used to love walking with our dog, Jasper. He was a cross-breed Jack Russell and the funniest, most inquisitive dog I’ve ever known. He died on 10th March ten years ago. He was my reason for walking three times a day: in the morning before work, again in the afternoon, and a short walk […]

Uncubing Tesseract

A triplet of notes, a single wavering flame echoed by another in a gust of melody. Hush of voice unweathered modulates light and promise tethered by emotional tourniquet until the song spreads wings and skips on time changes like glottal stops. The volume dies, almost to a whisper, and a syncopated drum contains the pressure […]

One brief moment

It vanished in a whorl of icy bubbles, a kingfisher, the first one of the spring. It drew a line through early morning mist, it punctuated silence of the pond with splash and sparkle – then it disappeared. I waited by the river every day, my soles imprinted on the dew-soaked grass, to catch a […]

Rubai of Light

The moon is a balloon that fills the night which bursts with stars and constellations bright, reminding late night lovers of the dawn whose fingers shatter dreams with early light. Kim M. Russell, 2018 My response to dVerse Poets Pub Meeting the Bar: Variations on the Rubaiyat This week our host for Meeting the Bar […]


Forest shadows are deepening, roses are in bloom and spring is a forgotten dream. Today is a slip of tan sand, a sliver of salt marsh and the sea, slow as wrinkling oil, bobs boats, dappling the honey-hued harbour with licks of salt to mark the tide and fresh puddles on the quay-side. Kim M. […]