New Year’s Eve

hopeful eyes sparkling in a champagne glass stars and fireworks hopeful eyes look towards a brighter year leave the old behind sparkling in a champagne glass candle flames flicker the countdown begins stars and fireworks a brand new day exploding in the same old sky Kim M. Russell, 30th December 2018 My response to Carpe […]

Moving Towards the End of the Year

Angular boned branches are bare except for the sheen of random smears of moss and ivy. They scratch at a sky opaque and goose-feather grey. Goblin faces gurn and leer from the trunk of the freshly pollarded willow trunk, their silent roar lost on a windy wave. Scattered birds rearrange themselves on telephone wires, notes […]

Lady Disdain

The year is old and so is the moon, a full cold and haughty moon, a turning of the tides moon. Aloof and frigid, she knows no humidity, she is dry and dusty, her atmosphere musty. But her breath is frosty, her eyes are full of ice and her crown of stars is sharp as […]