
I used to hide behind fringes: the tablecloth fringe that dangledfrom grandmother’s dining table,the one I pulled until scaldingtea splashed on my legs; the grass and weeds on the fringeof the field near the railway bridge,the green-shadowed placewhere I buried my pet hamster; the fringe of hair over my eyes,my mother’s scissor-straight line,the blonde fringe […]

You can keep your clowns…

those unfunny comics with their distorted faces and noisy antics, brightly-coloured anarchists. No more animals in the ring! Uncage the wild and suffering bears and lions, the chimpanzees at infinite human tea parties. Give me the sparkles of lights in the darkness, knife-throw and fire-eatery, magic and mystery, sequins and grace, balance and flight of […]


In German, Gift means poison, something he may not know. He brings her gold, perfume and clothes, sometimes a diamond, sometimes a rose, until she doesn’t even see them piling up in lonely high security, the toxic perfection of their mansion. So she searches on the internet for something that she cannot get from him […]

Phoenix Trees

(to be read from the roots up) into a fresh spring breeze. pump pollen and on bare branches wriggle will catkins and new green leaves Soon roots and shoots. branches, slender resilient and stubborn spread storm, by a over bowled toppled, having trunks, Crumbling Kim M. Russell, 2017 Jennifer Vranes – “New Beginnings” My response […]

Waves like Arabian Stallions

(covering Patti Smith’s ‘Horses’) in a sea of possibilities I’m surrounded by waves like stallions horses coming from all directions noses flaming white manes shining stars in the black mare of night up against a sea wall I seize the first possibility in a crash of waves coming in like Arabian stallions lapping into sea […]