
It was the season of drifting scents, ice on the windscreen, pine needles on the wind. Outside, Christmas roses still clung to thorny stems and I longed for secateurs to deadhead delicate corpses but could not bear to touch petals the colour of bruised skin. Instead I opened a window to cut the cloying breath […]

Uncubing Tesseract

A triplet of notes, a single wavering flame echoed by another in a gust of melody. Hush of voice unweathered modulates light and promise tethered by emotional tourniquet until the song spreads wings and skips on time changes like glottal stops. The volume dies, almost to a whisper, and a syncopated drum contains the pressure […]

One brief moment

It vanished in a whorl of icy bubbles, a kingfisher, the first one of the spring. It drew a line through early morning mist, it punctuated silence of the pond with splash and sparkle – then it disappeared. I waited by the river every day, my soles imprinted on the dew-soaked grass, to catch a […]

Medusa’s Wedding

A hiss of hair uncoils from its lavish cage of silk and lace, interwoven with gold and silver threads. She guards her stare, lowers turquoise lids, her coated lashes brush pale powered skin. Friends and family gather in the registry office hall and she has a sinking feeling, a foreshadow of tragedy. Then he’s standing […]

By the Clock of Tide and Stars

I smile at the clockwork birds ploughing sand, their black legs whirring, a splash of spangled sanderlings with a wintry breeze beneath their wings. Ploughing sand, their black legs whirring, they were steered here by a cosmic force with a wintry breeze beneath their wings, following ancient paths of stars. They were steered here by […]