The Clock of Tides and Stars

I smile at the clockwork birds ploughing sand, their black legs whirring, a splash of spangled sanderlings with a wintry breeze beneath their wings. Ploughing sand, their black legs whirring, steered here by a cosmic force, with a wintry breeze beneath their wings, they followed ancient paths of stars. Steered here by a cosmic force […]

Progress Forgiven

I forgive pylons that march across fields where once glaciers sculpted valleys, horses plodded down stone-walled lanes and everything travelled by hoof and foot. I forgive the engines that puffed their smoke into the heaviness of time with dark intention and a constant soundtrack of stridulation against a sky the colour of congealed blood. I […]


Is sipping from the Milky Way like sipping from a flower? I ask the bee and butterfly but they just buzz or flutter by, so I tip my tongue to the yellow button heart of feverfew and get wildly drunk on its pollen-sugared dew. Kim M. Russell, 25th February 2019 My response to dVerse Poets […]

Spring Kites

bright kites aflutter above cherry blossomed trees a fresh scented breeze Kim M. Russell, 23rd February 2019 My response to Imaginary Garden with Real Toads Weekend Challenge: Season Your Poetry  Toni is hosting this weekend with some season words or kigo for spring. She reminds us that the haiku is all about being in the […]