This fine city…

fits like a comfortable pair of shoes.
I wander meandering alleys
of what was once England’s second largest city,
flanked by half-timbered shops and houses,
from Tombland to the market place.
I totter sea-sick among neat rows of sweet-wrapper stalls,
up ancient steps to the bookends of castle and cathedral;
along the river, where boats and swans compete;
up the steep hill to Mousehold Heath. I remove my shoes,
feel grass and earth beneath my feet,
and take in the familiar view.
The evening sun dips deeply,
bathing the Norwich skyline in ethereal fire
and setting light to the cathedral’s spire.

Kim M. Russell, 2018

My response to dVerse Poets Pub Poetics: ‘Urban Renewal’, also linked to Imaginary Garden with Real Toads Tuesday Platform

This week we have a guest host from Orlando, Florida, home to Disney World, palm trees, and Jilly, who says that not all of us live in cities; some live in towns, medium or small, while others live in villages or hamlets. Many people, including me, reside in the country, a place demarcated by simple crossroads, but close enough to a city to visit occasionally.

Jilly would like us to write about a city, town or village that inspires us: the places where we live right now or places from our past; maybe cities or towns we would like to visit or live. The places could be real or imaginary; they could be our hometowns that no longer look like they did in our childhood memories. She has given us some inspiration in a poem, ‘Chicago’ by Carl Sandburg, and song by Huey Lewis and the News.

I took an old poem and re-worked it.

50 thoughts on “This fine city…

  1. Beautiful pictures, Kim! Your poem takes us on a journey and I felt breathless as I climbed with you. Great descriptors of the scenes and the feel of your city. Glad you reworked this one – terrific!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Norwich is on a par with York, I think. They both have medieval walls and buildings, and they were both settled by the Anglo Saxons. Lots of history.


  2. I love to meander around your city Kim ~ Love the photos specially the stunning sunset:

    The evening sun dips deeply,
    bathing the Norwich skyline in ethereal fire
    and setting light to the cathedral’s spire.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tombland is the name of the area around the cathedral, which was once an Anglo-Saxon market place. It has two medieval gates leading into Cathedral Close, which is like a village around the cathedral, with a school and houses, some occupied by cathedral staff and others privately owned. It is very peaceful there. Outside Cathedral Close there’s a maze of little streets, passageways and courtyards, some cobbled, with medieval buildings occupied privately, as well by shops, pubs and bars. There’s even a haunted hotel!

      Liked by 1 person

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