Safety in Numbers

I share my life with numbers,
I share my secrets too,
and numbers tell me everything
that I need to know and do.

I like to add up numbers,
I like to take them away;
I’m learning how to multiply
and divide them every day.

I can rely on numbers,
they can rely on me,
but when I’m ready for bed,
I much prefer to read.

I enjoy the fun and danger,
I love to learn new words,
meeting amazing characters,
animals and birds.

When the morning comes,
I’m playing with numbers again;
finding their rules and patterns
helps stimulate my brain.

Kim M. Russell, 13th March 2023

Today at What’s Going On?, our host, Sumana, would like us to craft poems from a child’s perspective about everything a child comes across.  She has given us three examples of such poems, two of which I know well: ‘Now We Are Six’ by A.A. Milne and ‘Life Doesn’t Frighten Me’ by Maya Angelou; the other is ‘Home’ by Warsan Shire.

I’ve just returned from visiting my daughter for my grandson’s sixth birthday, so I’m looking at life through his eyes. His birthday party was held at Ninja Warriors, an activity centre.

23 thoughts on “Safety in Numbers

  1. Kim, I really enjoyed the perspective of your grandson. He really seems to be into numbers big time. Glad he enjoys reading too! Wonder what he will choose to become as an adult!

    (Until I read the explanation at the end, I thought you were writing about yourself! Smiles.)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ahhh I love this poem.. although I never liked the constraint of numbers and find as applied to age they are becoming quite surreally mind-boggling!! Seriously, I am finding that the older I get, and I am getting old(er)… I am enjoying the clean precision of numbers where existential concerns combined with realistic mortality is not a friend of imagination! … hmmm nor are numbers for that matter :) Nevertheless.. back to your poem.. greatly enjoyed the simple joy!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I enjoyed this poem so much. I was hopeless at numbers, had a hard time with long division. But have been reading every night since I was five.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is a fun poem. You’ve captured the child’s voice perfectly. Unlike her, I never felt that comfortable with numbers. It was all about story books and their wonderful illustrations for me. :)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m not nor have I ever been a numbers person, but I so love the peek through the eyes of this child who loves them. And yes, you captured the voice of a child beautifully.

    Liked by 1 person

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