Plastic Earth

I’ve been thinking about getting a globe lamp for my grandson, so he can see the Earth lit up in his room and explore its mysteries and beauty. At six years old, he is interested in so many things and I would love him to extend that to geography and ecology, to look at our planet from every angle, not just where he places his feet each morning. However, I am caught in a dilemma: every lamp I have found so far is made of plastic.

grey sky turns to blue
don’t throw away our planet
it’s not plastic – yet

Kim M. Russell, 22nd April 2024

Image by Christian Rucinski on Unsplash

It’s Haibun Monday at the dVerse Poets Pub and we are celebrating Earth Day with Frank, our host, fifty-four years ago after peace activist John McConnell’s dream of a day dedicated to the Earth and peace came true.

The official theme for 2024 is ‘Planet vs. Plastics’ and, to mark that, has called for a 60% global reduction in plastic production by 2040.

Frank has given examples of writing by haijin and poets who have participated in Earth Day to inspire us to celebrate our home planet in style by writing a haibun that alludes to Earth Day or the Earth.

28 thoughts on “Plastic Earth

  1. An interesting post, Kim. Get it for him. This is not the kind of plastic that causes the problem. It is using plastic water bottles when we could use the tap water and plastic bags at the grocery story etc.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Just a random idea. What about if you can not get it, improvise with the use of something. Maybe like, plastering the globe on a round glass and making it into a lamp, following the concept of lanterns.
    Before I get too carried away, very good post Kim, drawn me in completely and got me thinking about crazy innovative ideas.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Good topic, Kim. The news today is all about how plastic has infiltrated everything on earth. I wonder what old globes were made of? Hope you can find one, six is a good age to start thinking about the earth.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Sherry. Apparently globes used to be made from tin, cast iron, cardboard, wood and plaster. Lucas does have a toy globe which asks him to find countries, but I would like to find a lamp.

      Liked by 1 person

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