
My name is Kim. I live in England in the county of Norfolk. I’m originally from South London but I moved to Cologne in Germany when I was seventeen. I also lived for a few years in Ireland before returning to London for a while. Norfolk has been my home for over twenty five years and I can’t think of a better place to live.

Reading and writing have been a huge part of my life since I was very young. I used to write mainly poetry, moved on to short stories, and finished my first novel for children aged 8+ a year ago: Joe and Nelly, a ghost story set in London in the Second World War. I am still in the process of writing a novel for older children, another ghost story called The Haunted Tide, this time set in North Norfolk.

We used to have two cats, a mother and daughter, who ran wild in our overgrown garden that is also occasionally home to deer, hedgehogs, owls and dragonflies, and a huge variety of other birds and wildlife. Sadly, the mother, Tosca, was killed at the end of May 2016. Luna, the daughter, has a new friend, Mojo, who is now over two years old and has only recently ventured out to play. I can see the garden from my desk; it’s peaceful, green and food for the imagination.




I have had poetry and short stories published on-line and in a number of anthologies. I have just self-published on Amazon a slim anthology of quirky, and sometimes eerie, flash fiction and short stories in time for Halloween.





65 thoughts on “About

    1. Thank you for the comment. I’m coming up to Wales in a few weeks time, just an overnight stay in Cardiff. In Joe and Nelly, my wartime ghost story for children. Joe returns from evacuation in Wales to London, just as my father did, only he stayed with his aunts.I’m a big fan of Wales and Welsh literature, especially Dylan Thomas. I will be following you!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Good to hear someone from your part of the world I was in West Winch for a few years and hoping to return to Devon from Spain soon. Many thanks for the like of ‘the eyes have it’. Love, David

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Well then, you literally missed it by the skin of your teeth!

        It’s an annual get together for bloggers and writers in London – so we finally climb out from behind our screens and meet up for chit chat and merriment. In conjunction with the meet – is an awards ceremony – The bloggers bash awards. Which are put out to the vote – nominated by and voted for by bloggers.

        This year it is on the 11th June. More info here: http://sachablack.co.uk/2015/10/01/the-bash-is-back-the-second-annual-bloggersbash-2016/

        and more info to come in the new year. This year it will be bigger and better than ever! 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! If you go to the blog post instead of the poem page, there should be a space for comments. But as long as I know the poem made you happy, you don’t need to comment on the post!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, Kim! Nice to meet you! Just visiting from Jacqueline’s party today. She’s a great hostess! I like that you write ghost stories, as I have quite a few true ones, myself. Your kitties are so sweet! Looking forward to reading your posts! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hi Kim, I have a strange question for you…Are you having issues with your email address or password on your blog? When I enter my username to follow a blog, your URL appears, not mine. I am perplexed how that happened, and I have changed my settings multiple times to no avail.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is seriously weird! I haven’t been posting or commenting this week as I was staying with my daughter and when I returned my laptop wouldn’t work, so it’s gone in for repair and all I have at the moment is a temperamental Kindle. Have you contacted the WordPress happiness engineers? I don’t follow blogs like that – I copy the url of the blog and paste it in the manage followed sites in Reader. You could try that while the happiness engineers work out what’s wring. Good luck!


  4. Hi Kim, thanks for the reply. Yes, weird. Unfortunately, I am a technophobe…and struggle to keep up with technical issues on my site. Thanks for the url tip…copy and paste. My site has other issues, and weirdly, I cannot access my comments either on the dashboard. And, when I try to submit a question to the Happiness Engineers…the box won’t allow me access. So, I am on Google and forums trying to clear this up…LOL. (A fish out of water.) Thank you for the speedy reply. Good luck with your laptop. I think it might be a browser problem…but we have tweaked everything, and still no changes to my issues.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Marilyn, I hope your site issues are resolved soon. No news about my laptop yet but I’m off to London tomorrow for my mum’s funeral. Normal service will hopefully be resumed on my return. Have a good week!


  5. Hi, Kim – I’m after a favour. A poem, actually. I’m planning a poetry “advent calender” – a poem a day leading up to Christmas. I don’t want it to be particularly Christian in outlook – anything that connects with that time of year – Christian, humanist, Hindu, Pagan….whatever. I’m hoping to get some other poets involved – obviously I’d credit them, and signpost to their blog – and was wondering if I could persuade you to make a contribution?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’d love to, Sarah. An ‘advent calendar’ is a wonderful idea. Does it have to be a new poem or can it be one I’ve posted in the last couple of years? How soon will you need it?


    2. Hi Sarah!
      I’ve found six poems that might be suitable. If you like any of them, I’ll leave it up to you to choose one. Can you give me your email address to send them to, please?


    1. I only have my WordPress blog, which acts as a website. I read any comments left on it regularly. I would be happy for you to add a poem to your Arts Association project, as long as you give me full credit and respect my copyright. Which poem would you like to use?

      Liked by 1 person

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