I Want to Play

Backlit,by counterpointsof sunlight, harmonyof shadows, fingers merge with blackand white, releasemajor chords redand green, mournful minorsgrey and blue shifting between darkminus and lightof plus, untila sunbeam, dotted withmotes of a melody, breaks through.I play. Kim M Russell, 1st June 2024 Image by Michael Effendy on Unsplash Reworked from an old poem from 2019, a poems […]

Jaded Glory

Darkness caresses the nightgarden with mysterious light.An overpowering fragrancespills into the air, starlit incensefrom the frothing honeysuckle,an unruly child that snugglesin the vacant arms of the cherry tree,whose glorious pink flowers,long jaded, have perished in showers. Kim M. Russell, 6th May 2024 Written for The Garden of Neuro Poetry Circle Quadrille Challenge Day 6.