

Whoa, incredible photonic boom!
Nothing can travel faster
than the speed of light
slowed down,
filled with a dry-ice fog.
Scattered particles,
pulse of light sweeps
light scatter,

Kim M. Russell, 2017

My response to Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Writing Prompt January 22nd – Blackout

This week, Oloriel would like us to try our hands at Blackout technique. The twist? The usual form for Blackout is Blackout poetry. Oloriel welcomes all other forms as well: flash fiction, stories, anything.

The Blackout technique is when you take a text, such as a poem or an article,  and you black out most of the words with a black marker (or digital equivalent), leaving only a few words or parts uncovered. The uncovered words become a new poem or story.

I found mine in an article published on Science Alert but had trouble blacking it out.

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