Echoes of Bluebell Woods

Between the trees it’s blue,
as if the sky had fallen
and been transformed
into nodding blooms,
all-knowing fairy traps of truth.
It’s a soft echo of blue,
a Beltane pool
to dive into
and be swept away
by a current of old magic.

Kim M. Russell, 2017

Echoes of Bluebell Wood

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My response to dVerse Poets Pub Quadrille #32 – Echo

De is our host this Monday and she’s inviting us to dance with shadows in a poem of exactly 44 words (not including title), and including one given word. Today, we are playing with the word echo.  We can make it a noun, a verb, or an adjective; get creative with it; make your whole poem one big echo, or slip it in there somewhere quietly. For inspiration, De has given us a few quotes and an Echo and the Bunnymen tune.

50 thoughts on “Echoes of Bluebell Woods

  1. In Texas, in Spring, the bluebells appear along the blue highways, in the ditches, in the chin of pastures, mixed in with thorn bushes & sagebrush. It startles the eyes. Repetitive images can be a form of echo; cool.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What kind of bluebells are they, Glenn? I know that the Common English Bluebell only grows over here and that there are other species, some of which were brought to England and seem to have blended in with the indigenous ones – only they don’t have the intoxicating scent of the English bluebell.


    1. It’s said that anyone wearing a wreath of bluebells can speak only the truth. Also, bluebells may be used in love spells. If you turn an English bluebell inside out, you’ll win the heart of the one you desire. You can also prevent nightmares by stuffing a dream pillow with bluebells of hanging them near the bed.


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