Air Taxi

Oh for a taxi
that doesn’t bump and jolt,
brake sharply at traffic lights,
speed off into a rainy night
leaving me behind.
Balloons would be nice,
of various colours and sizes,
to make the journey smooth
and a driver whose
opinions are few
and far between,
so I can enjoy
the airiness
and comfort of the ride.

Kim M. Russell, 2017

Image may contain: car and outdoor

My response to dVerse Poets Pub Poetics: Street View, also linked to Imaginary Garden with Real Toads Tuesday Platform

Lillian is our host and today she has some images for us to work with. But they are not just any images – they’re street-art. Lillian has been wondering about what street artists have in mind when they paint their scenes; how people view and interpret street art; does the meaning change over time; and does it have a message?

She has selected five street art images posted at She would like us to pick one and be inspired by it! She says to let the image be our starting point and jump off into the world of creativity with our words. The only requirement is that we post the image we’re writing about.

49 thoughts on “Air Taxi

    1. I don’t often get a taxi but the other weekend when I went to a wedding I had to get a taxi back. The hotel booked me a female driver and she didn’t stop talking all the way home!


  1. Like an adjustable density mattress.
    I think the driver may have a hard time steering a balloon so it might just
    bump into a few things, so bring many balloons to buffer the bumpers too.

    A smooth ride. Would be have nearly as much fun?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh for a taxi
    that doesn’t bump and jolt,
    brake sharply at traffic lights,
    speed off into a rainy night

    Taxis generally will do that. They are more concerned with going fast for more fares at the expense of our comfort. You’ve verbalised it very well, Kim!


    Liked by 1 person

  3. wishful thinking and an imaginative response to the prompt Kim – oh for an air taxi that can jump the queues too so the meter does not tick away into pound multiples –

    Liked by 1 person

  4. haven’t taken too many taxi rides but the last one i did take was recent enough to remember all the jerks and the brakes and the jolts!!! just heard recently on the radio that uber is planning to work on the uber-chopper!! something that might help:)

    Liked by 1 person

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