December Moon

December moon had reached its height,
everything was bleached of hue,
lending fields a spectral light
tinged with frosty blue.

Everything was bleached of hue
except for silent shadows
tinged with frosty blue
like moths gathering at windows.

Except for silent shadows,
all of nature shivered
like moths gathering at windows,
and icicles on branches quivered.

All of nature shivered,
breath burst into constellations
and icicles on branches quivered
with the galaxy’s vibrations.

Breath burst into constellations
as the moon reached its height,
in awe of the vibrations
and the spectral light.

Kim M. Russell, 6th December 2018

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My response to dVerse Poets Pub Meeting the Bar: Repetitive Forms

Jill isn’t repeating herself this week with repetition but she is also raising the bar. In October, she asked us to write poetry that employed repetition of a single word, a phrase, or a line.  Today Jill would like us to be brave and dive into repetitive forms, such as villanelles, terzanelles and pantoums. She has given us wonderful examples of a villanelle by Elizabeth Bishop, entitled ‘One Art’, and a pantoum by A.E. Stallings called ‘Another Lullaby for Insomniacs’. For those of us who want to put a toe in the water but not go swimming she has suggested the triolet and chant, with examples by Thomas Hardy and Charley of Life in Portofino respectively.

Our challenge is to write a form poem that makes use of repetitive lines. There are many poetic forms that use repetitive lines, so Jill would like us to state which form we are using and if it is not one of these five, share a quick explanation of how the form works. I decided to try a pantoum. 

67 thoughts on “December Moon

  1. Oh I can see how Breath bursts into constellations and icicles quiver. The small droplets of breath freeze and join the pantheons in the skies in their impact, I love that SOOOOO much! From the tiny to the cosmic, and all given life in the darkness by silver light. I try to avoid cold, but I have always loved walking in moonlight in a winterscape (if it is not tooo tooo cold!)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good use of the pantoum form.Love the pic and the poem. Those winters are frosty blue. A dim memory for me now. There is a certain magic about the Northern winter. Nice to think about it whilst dangling my feet in a rock pool under a big hat:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A most exquisite Pantoum, Kim! ❤️ Especially love; “Breath burst into constellations as the moon reached its height”.. such a lovely image! 😍😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Sherry. I haven’t had a chance to read or comment on anything yet as I’ve been away at my daughter’s. But Wendy’s feature is something I plan to read.


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