Through the Eyes of a Child

We watch a big blue tractor
rumble by, his small body
in my arms, straining to see more.
Wide eyes spot two cock pheasants
down by the gate,
he can’t wait;
his small hand grabs his mother’s
and they’re off on a hunt, and find pheasants,
swans, horses and boats –
and chickens!
We visit a petting farm, find more chickens,
frilly, multicoloured aliens,
feed some goats, cuddle a guinea pig,
I’m burning with amazing love – and it’s big.

Kim M. Russell, 20th October 2019

My response to Imaginary Garden with Real Toads Weekend Mini-Challenge: On Wonder, also linked to Poets United Poetry Pantry

After missing a few prompts while I had a wonderful time with my daughter and grandson, I’ve returned to the garden to a challenge, which asks us to contemplate awe, amazement, astonishment, wonder. Sherry would like us to share a moment, small or large, full of wonder. 

39 thoughts on “Through the Eyes of a Child

  1. Oh yes indeed, the grandmother love IS big. Enjoy them, savor them, as these early childhood times pass all too soon!! I always enjoy your poetry, Kim. Glad to see you back!!

    Liked by 1 person

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