November Morning

Tattered trees pose, 
stark in their tracery,
leaves all fallen 
sopping to the ground
without a sound.

A thin veil of amber hints
at a struggling sun
behind the mist,
a sensual bounty
across town and country.

Warning of the coming chill,
frost and fog cover every hill,
the muffled silence broken only
by the footstep echoes of the lonely.

Kim M. Russell, 29th November 2022

John Atkinson Grimshaw, A November Morning (1883)

This Tuesday’s Poetics at the dVerse Poets Pub is hosted by Merril with an ekphrastic prompt she calls The Landscape Sleeps, after a line from a John Clare poem, ‘The Shepherd’s Calendar: November’.

Merril has chosen four paintings, each depicting November in a different way. She says that the final painting does not have November in its title, but chrysanthemums are not only the November birth flower, but they are also popular autumn flowers.

Our challenge is easy-peasy: Merril asks us to choose one of the paintings and write an ekphrastic poem in any style or form.

36 thoughts on “November Morning

  1. “A thin veil of amber hints at a struggling sun behind the mist” …beautiful writing Kim. The poem repaints the image in splendid verse — excellent my friend. I chose same image — hard to resist.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jane. The sun really is struggling today and it has definitely got colder. I’m looking forward to spending time with Ellen and the boys from tomorrow afternoon and hope it stays dry.


  2. Beautiful art, I have been that leaf, this piece reminds me of a lonely time in my life and inspires me to write. Thank you for the inspiration ❤

    "sopping to the ground
    without a sound." "echoes of the lonely"

    Liked by 1 person

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