When the Whole World Measured Time

Another response to dVerse Poets Pub Tuesday Poetics: Summer Starter

I thought I’d give Walter’s prompt another go. This time I have chosen ‘Summer Solstice’ by Carrie Richards and have incorporated a line from an old poem of mine.

When the whole world measured time
In light and dark,
Stonehenge was brand new
Like you,
My child.
One drab June,
When rain soaked prehistoric mounds,
We wandered round the ancient grounds,
Counting a nursery rhyme of stones,
Imagined the breaking of a new dawn
And shadows pierced by shafts of light,
The zenith after midsummer night.

© Kim M. Russell, 2016


Image by Teri Didjurgis, BlueSkyTraveler.com can be found at https://www.blueskytraveler.com/stonehenge/ 

20 thoughts on “When the Whole World Measured Time

  1. Hi Kim, The picture of stonehenge is actually mine and the website detailed posted it without permission. They have since remedied the situation. I am happy for you to continue sharing the picture of Stonehenge on the Autumnal Equinox along with your beautiful poem. However, could you please correct the picture credits to Teri Didjurgis, BlueSkyTraveler.com with proper attribution linkout to my website – https://www.blueskytraveler.com/stonehenge/. Feel free to contact me if any questions. It does not appear that I can contact you privately so leaving this as a comment.


    1. Hi Teri. Thank you so much for letting me know that the stunning image of Stonehenge is yours, and for allowing me to continue sharing it as an illustration to my poem. I have, of course, corrected the picture credits as you requested.


      1. Hi Teri, I am happy to update a follow link as you ask, but don’t know what you mean. I’m just a poet who often looks for illustrations for poems when I have no images of my own. Would you mind explaining how to do this please?


  2. Sure thing – when you added the link to my website, there should be an option in wordpress to “open in new window” and also “No Follow”. You would just uncheck the “no follow” or remove the tag near the url rel=”nofollow”

    Organic links are an indicator to google of good, authentic content.
    “No Follow” is used for unorganic or sponsored content to indicate to Google that this is a sponsored or paid for endorsement. Here is an article explaining info on this: https://searchengineland.com/infographic-nofollow-tag-172157

    As I neither paid for the placement of my photo, requested it, and no one sponsored its placement, it is an organic photo and link between our websites. Why is this important to me? I am a professional photographer and make a living off my work by selling photos to commercial enterprises ie tourism companies. I will occasionally allow non-commercial enterprises to use my photos on their websites when requested and the use will be organic (authentic to the content), but I ask that they properly attribute that I did not pay to have them placed and that the user is providing the proper signals to Google for endorsement of my work as organic. Hope this make sense and sorry if wordy. If you have any questions please feel free to drop me an email at teri (a) blueskytraveler.com

    Liked by 1 person

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