I’ve just got back from a book launch

The anthology, River Writes, in which one of my poems and a story have been included, is now officially launched. It is showing up on Amazon but is currently unavailable. Here is the link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/River-Wri…/…/0993566324/ref=sr_1_1… A touch of irony: there was a raffle and my husband bought a strip. the last number on the strip […]

Late Afternoon on a Norfolk Wherry

  My response to dVerse Poets Pub Meter-Made Mood–dVerse Meeting the Bar Victoria has challenged us to write a poem that illustrates how meter contributes to the mood of a poem.   His face is traced and creased by Norfolk gales, His skin tanned Van Dyke brown as wherry sails, The wherryman sits on the tiller […]