Just One Small Drop

When life began its haunting dance

Among a symphony of stars,

There was no sun, nor was there day,

No rivers, streams or reservoirs,

Just one small drop of astral dew

That twinkled in the morning sky,

That dripped and fell and swelled and grew,

Made planets gasp and comets sigh,

The universe and heaven swoon,

Woke up the sun, teased out the moon,

Filled up the earth with salty seas,

With oceans deep, with clouds and breeze,

With rain and storms, with pulse and breath,

With love and hate, with life and death.

© Kim M. Russell, 2016

Just One Small Drop

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My response to Jane Dougherty Writes Poetry challenge#46: Meter

This week’s challenge is more about the sound of the poem than the content, concentrating on listening to the beats in the line rather than simply counting syllables or finding an appropriate rhyme. We can use either four or five beats, and don’t have to rhyme unless we want to, writing on the theme of stars, night, and water.

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