After April

After April rain that’s washed into May,
sun illuminates the sparkling garden
embroidered with a foam of daisies
and brassy dandelion buttons.
I find one last withered snowdrop,
a survivor from the yellow flood,
breathe air encouraging and fresh
with growth while I stop and listen
to a chiffchaff chuckling a tune,
a song that will follow me into June.

Kim M. Russell, 9th May 2019

Image result for yellow dandelions and daisies Pinterest
Image found on Pinterest

My response to Imaginary Garden with Real Toads Sanaa’s Challenge: Such Were Syllables That Possessed May, also linked to Poets United Poetry Pantry

Sanaa is our host this Thursday with a contemporary poem prompt: ‘May’ by Sara Trevor Teasdale. Sanaa would like us to draw inspiration from it to create new poems of our own.

37 thoughts on “After April

  1. This is gorgeously rendered, Kim! ❤️ I love the image of the last snowdrop “breathe air encouraging and fresh with growth,” and how you lead us into June with a “chiffchaff chuckling a tune.” 🙂 Theirs is the most sweet and melodious voice I have ever heard! Thank you so much for writing to the prompt. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “embroidered with a foam of daisies
    and brassy dandelion buttons.”
    What a lovely image you paint. And a chiffchaff! I do not know this bird but I looked it up and listened to the song of it. What a lovely chipchirping it does! The songs of birds awakens me as coffee never can.

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  3. Soo nice, Kim. I was walking along through your garden poem . I stopped at the flowers, I remember my young times when eagerly I welcomed those in spring. Daisies are Mrs. Jim’s favorites and I remember the first violets and your “brassy dandelion(s)” as being mine. With snow here only once in ten years we have some that bloom all winter. Ours this year were Marygolds. Climate Change might change all this, colder winters and hotter summers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is today, Kerry! The sun is shining, although it is still a little chilly. Sadly, the cherry blossom has been blown away, but the early honeysuckle is just about to pop open and release its scent.


  4. It is interesting how these songs continue and perhaps build on one another. What began in April continues into May and into June. Same with those drops of snow. Sometimes it takes a long time for the last snowdrop to melt. At least it did here. And that encouraging air and those first flowers, there is nothing more beautiful to behold! Beautiful poem.

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