Coming home…

late in the afternoon,
I walk down an empty street
when, at my feet,
a russet
drops –
and so does the wind.
Like me, it settles
into its October
stillness, tired and sober,
fading into twilight,
slipping on the night.

Kim M. Russell, 19th October 2018

Glorious Norfolk Sky

My response to Imaginary Garden with Real Toads Get Listed: October Edition

Sanaa is our host for the October edition of Get Listed. She says that there is something incredibly distinct and nostalgic about the way autumn carries the human spirit forward as we welcome change and prepare to start afresh with a clean slate. She would like us to come up with our own brief creations of under 150 words by choosing any four words from the lists that fit best with the mood/theme/personality of our poems on a topic of our choice.

21 thoughts on “Coming home…

  1. This is absolutely amazing in it’s choice of imagery and diction! 😍 The way you lead us to the point where that “russet leaf drops – and so does the wind” creates a huge impact and redefines October in the mind of the reader. Love this so so so much, Kim! ❤️

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  2. I think autumn does prepare us for the clean slate winter creates. As we welcome in the new year, and make new mantras and personal statements that will guide us through the rest of the seasons. I loved your imagery and voice in the poem.

    Liked by 1 person

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