
She’s a bright splatter
of golden petalled bloom
anchored in earth
with her many faces
in a single head.
Her roots absorb toxins
from the flowerbed
as she worships the sun,
tracking its movement
across the sky
with the loyalty
of a lover’s eye.

Kim M. Russell, 15th July 2019

Image result for sunflower Pinterest
Image found on Pinterest

My response to dVerse Poets Pub Quadrille: Sun, also linked to Imaginary Garden with Real Toads Tuesday Platform

Grace is our host for the opening of the dVerse Pub after the two-week break. It’s also our eighth anniversary and the word is ‘sun’, which was inspired by the artwork at the Montreal Fine Arts Museum, ‘The Sun’ by Dale Chihuly. Grace says to make our quadrilles sunny, filled with sunshine or sunflowers or disunited by sunken treasures – as long as the word ‘sun’ is there in 44 words.

70 thoughts on “Worship

    1. Thank you, Grace. I’m still recovering from marking exams and currently concerned that little Mojo (the youngest of our two cats) hasn’t come home yet – and my husband is away until tomorrow. However, I am looking forward to going to my daughter’s on Friday to spend a couple of days with her and Lucas – I might also get a peek at their new house, which they won’t be moving into until September.


    1. Together with tulips, they’re my favourite too. There’s always a field of sunflowers just outside our vilkage. They move it every year and I haven’t seen it yet.


      1. You are very welcome, Kim. They grow up around here on their own, strays from the bird feeder or that get planted by chipmunks. This year I planted “mammoth” variety with free seeds from the seed bank at the library.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I was just gifted with artwork from my son… a sunflower and a real sunflower in a vase he made. I adore them, and he wants to plant sunflower seeds in the ground. Your description is spot on.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Soul of A FLoWeR Seed
    Sun FLoWeR Spiral
    Above So Below
    Crucible Fire of Star Death
    Birth Gaseous Dust Star Stuff
    Cosmos Unto Itself Our Sun too
    Resurrecting Now Light We Live
    A Seed A FLoWeR Sun Just Waiting
    To Explode Crucible Fire More Love
    Yet Waiting to Be Born Again Perhaps
    So Much Greater Now
    Than Us to
    AN EartH
    iNStead of Visiting
    A Moon Again for Rocks..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful!
    I love sunflowers.
    Goats also love sunflowers.
    I once watched a goat stretch its neck outside a fence and its tongue well out of its mouth in order to pull in and chew up a sunflower. Amazing creatures, goats.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I like, Kim. Lovers’ eyes seldom wander. I would like to post some quadrille poems. In the states some farmers plant whole fields with sunflowers. But half the comments you get would do me in. Mine would be a Nebraska Golden Rod though.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “She’s a bright splatter of golden petalled bloom anchored in earth,”…Wow!! ❤️ What a gorgeous, gorgeous sunflower definition, Kim! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Seeing a sunflower in full bloom is one of the joys of high summer. I love those jolly flowers. You really captured the essence of these bright blooms in this piece.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. A lovely poem in praise of sunflowers. I like the lines in particular about tracking the sun.
    We may go to a sunflower festival this weekend–but it’s going to be about 100 F–so not sure. . .

    Liked by 1 person

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