Missing the Point

From mid-autumn until the end of winter,each day begins and ends with night,not morning’s gentle lightening or splinterof tea-time twilight, although sunsetstill kaleidoscopes in clear October skies.We live from day to day: wake up,rise and read about incessant liesover the rim of a tea or coffee cup.Then it’s time to catch a bus or train,ignoring […]

Bread-Making in Winter

For months frayed foliage has covered earth, the agèd year is faded to sepia shades and now it turns again to white and grey with early dusk as winter draws its breath. The frigid bite of January’s mellowed, outdone by the aroma, as it lingers, of yeast and flour wafting from your fingers, familiar scent […]

October Sonnet

I look out on a bright October day, bewitched by wanton sun and shadow-play. The blush of autumn spreads its leafy hues and drips its blood in scarlet vesicles. Horse-chestnuts, heavy-laden, start to rust, their tumbled conkers lying in the dust; with spiny shells, some squashed and some half-split, they wink the brown eye of […]

The Elusiveness of Purple

It’s in the bloom on the skin of a plump plum poised to plop, the fruity sweetness of the drop of a blackberry’s inky stain, the smear of jam on a child’s face, and the smudge in the space between the rich red of sunset and the indigo of night. When the scent of plum […]

The Language of Seagulls

His cry’s a stentorian swoop in the azure, draws curlicues in and out of the clouds. Apart from the flock, with its dodging and fighting, he lifts up his beak and whispers of wind. He lowers his feet, curves his wings, scrawls a wake, a poem in water with fricative feathers, a lone gull’s sonnet […]

Paradise Cobbled

Cobbles have been laid over paradise With stables for carriages and horses, Bawdy taverns, markets, court masques and plays. Life does not follow preordained courses, Cherishing what you have is good practice For tomorrow may well be its demise. Cobbles have been laid over paradise With stables for carriages and horses; They have taken an […]


Through windows,  I’ve watched the changing season, The persistent shift of shapes and colours, Until I’m enticed into the garden, Where I’m ambushed by rampageous brambles, And underfoot soil sinks as I amble. The tree stump by the gate slowly decays, Colonised by fungi, ants and beetles; Overhanging birches obstruct my way Through a forest […]