
there hadn’t been hesitant sleetthat eventually turned to snowheaped like hills on the empty street, it might not have fluttered silently,like luminescent moths outsidethe window, a continued quietude when the flakes ceased gentlyfalling, that might not have been brokenby the boisterous warble of a robin. Kim M. Russell, 27th January 2021 My response to Poets […]

Robin in the Garden

between yellow leaves little beady-eyed head cocked curious robin he flits from hedgerow to tree scanning for a juicy worm tiny tracks in snow leading to a holly bush blush of camouflage an overwintering guest he shelters in flowerpots romancing his mate perched upon a wheelbarrow song-trilling red breast pecking at cherry blossom among yellow […]

A Round of Robins

Tucked into a bowl of shallow hills, where icicles hang and chill snow spills over the valley like milk on cornflakes, is a cosy chocolate yule log cabin, home to the guardian of Christmas robins. Stoking a crackling stove with wood, she prepares a feast of woodland food: fat balls, berries, nuts and seeds to […]